Wednesday 1 April 2009

Module Evalutation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

One of the main things that i feel i have developed is my time management, coming off the back of the 100 book brief which was a long project i found i was able to produce a depth of work but in a shorter time, i dont really know why, i just found that i was committing more time to my work and therefore getting more out of it. This however only really applies to the what is a line project and not visual language as a whole. In terms of the vis lang sessions I feel i've learnt more on icons/pictograms, drawing them and making them effective without having a lot or any detail. I also found my perspective drawing skills have vastly improved, after being taught how to do it properly how could i not! I dont think i've applied these skills as much as i could, with drawing which i could have made more use of within what is a line.

2. What approaches to methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I found that research is quite minimal, however i have developed my research by using artist references which i have in the past 'forgot' to do. The artist reference helped me initially to visualize inside my mind what kind of line imagery i wanted to start producing and what not so a good starting point.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I can identify that i can think of initial ideas quickly and produce something of a standard to know if it will work or not, if it can go anywhere like! I'll be capitalizing on this by saving time in future briefs and projects.
i can also identify that i can draw at a reasonable level quickly, within the icons and pictograms specifically, this kind of aiding the first strength.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

My main weakness from this would be holding onto my work and not losing it, this deeming from an earlier point in the course where my commitment to the course may have been lower as to now. Stay committed!
I can also identify that i became quite stressed by parts of the work, mainly what is a line as i became a bit lost, i intend to address this by keeping a more constant flow of talk with the tutors specifically about my work and to take breaks now and then.
i also find that my work can lack in 'neatness' if i deem it to be off less importance, so i need to stop doing this. i thank you.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Take short breaks from work, specially when screen orientated. A more calm, happy me. Not lose sight of what im producing.

2. Think of everything as being important. Have better neat work.

3. Don't lose my work. Having the work.

4. Make more use of perspective drawing and icons/pictograms. Thus developing these skills.

5. Talk to tutors, other students more directly about my work. Assisting in development of my work and also not losing sight of whether my works any good/ effective.

Attendance 4
Punctuality 4
Motivation 3
Commitment 3.5
Quantity of work produced 3.5
Quality of work produced 3.5

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