Monday 23 March 2009

A Connected Series of Events, Actions or Development

So my first post on this project, out of the sentences i chose to use, ' A connected series of events, actions or developments' ,
With this i primarily plan to look into sequence photography, focusing on skateboarding and snowboarding. This being an easy choice as I'm interested in the sports and have a cheeky pile of magazines which has a good selection of sequence photography in them. I also plan to look at this idea of a connected series of events, actions etc in the form of TV dramas, like 24, prison break, which tend to be long winded events which consequences lead to other 'exciting' events.

Here's just an example of the kind of images iv began to collect, with these I'm planning to mess around with tracing and exaggerating the lines made from the detail in the photos, when i get somewhere interesting I'll get some images up, brb...

Alright so i've been away and drawn and messed around with some stuff so far i reckon this is the most interesting out of what i've done; 
What i did here was to draw a line from every position the riders deck was in, joined them all up and then created this 3d model thing, with doing this i try to add certain shapes that the riders body makes within certain parts of the sequence and exaggerate these in the form of geometric shapes. Also its just a line drawing innit, so works two ways for the brief i guess.

On the topic of skate/snowboarding i thought id post this video which is a bit fancy with lines and what not! However this box thing doesn't let me copy and paste things so il just put the website down,

A helpful artist reference for the kind of imagery I'm producing and looking to create is Boris Tellegen, otherwise known as Delta,

I'm such a fan of Delta's work, the three above are actually 3D wooden structures, which he then paints onto creating much more depth and creates the appearance of a very technical structure. The relation between these and the imagery i have begun to create is the use of geometric shapes and the whole exaggeration of form, turning 2D to 3D and what not. Also the intricate and complex aesthetic of the pieces is something i want to try and achieve with my drawings.

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